Recently, my cousins, my friends and I went out Trick-or-treating. Yes, not exactly what you'd expect in Pretoria! We all got dressed up in crazily different outfits: from witches to Greek gods, from zombies to Hawaiian princesses even from vampires to evil pixies (guess who)! We started the trick or treating at about 6:00pm. I wrote down the whole shpeel (thing) in my diary. This, word for word is the dairy entry:
Dear diary,
HALLOWEEN! Yay can't wait to go trick or treating tonight! Got my outfit and everything. Haha I'm a crazy weird emotionally unstable witch!
I'm back. just got back from the trick or treating! Here's a list of the interesting houses we visited:
The Nels'- We arrived at there doorstep and they had no sweets!We continued down the street when we saw them driving away. A while later we saw them driving around the neighborhood. They spotted us and came to a halt beside us. They got out of the car and handed us bags of deliciously unhealthy but still fantastic sweets! how thoughtful!
We arrived at this odd house and rang the bell. Through the window, we saw the owner get up in reaction to the doorbell-without any pants on! I can truly say my eyes hurt after that!
When we rang this doorbell, a woman answered telling us she did not celebrate halloween and refused to support us. A few houses down we found her own husband and son trick-or-treating! They kindly gave us some of their sweets! (I then swore at the woman)
At this house, a charming and very gay man and his sister came to the door giving us a half eaten toffee. When we demanded more he told us he only had wine! My cousin, Melissa, accepted that offer.
And finally, we came to a house with a huge slobbery, scary dog at the entrance. When the owner came out to give us sweets, the dog wouldn't let him get to us, blocking his every move! Eventually, he had to throw the sweets over the gate!
So it turned out to be a great evening, even if it was in Pretoria and not New York!
This weekend, i was sitting in the garden when a tiny bushbaby hopped onto the tree before me! I was so inspired by this little creature that i wrote a poem about it:
Babies of the bush Tiny and wonderful flexible, light as wind They fly They soar
Eyes golden and wary always shy careful making our nights sparkle
Strangers without faces empty silent vapour and mist